Wednesday, August 13, 2014

first day of school.

Today was our first day back to school. Parker will be meeting his teacher, receiving his curriculum and starting tomorrow. He thought it was great that while everyone was doing school, he was stretched out reading a book in his bed. Ha!

I did tweak our schedule from last year, but not much. From what I recall, I think the schedule we had last year worked really well for us. And today, we were only a little off schedule since I let the kids sleep in an extra hour-- I have a weakness for wanting my kiddos to get their sleep.

I’m really happy how everything went during the school day. Lincoln has made an enormous leap in his learning and Ruby seems to be an easy student. Since we received her books, she has been begging me everyday to start. I notice that she catches on extremely quickly and has great memorization skills. Oh happy day!

I do feel a lot of pressure knowing that I will be homeschooling seven kids while having to push through the upcoming (if not already) days of pregnancy exhaustion on top of my other obligations.

But I’m keeping my thoughts on my calling as a wife and mommy and my eyes on Jesus. When people ask me how I do it-- there’s only one answer: Jesus! Between Him and my amazing/involved husband, I can do anything. Not to mention, ‘thank God’ for my determination and stubbornness. God can even use that for His good.

One of the first blog posts I read this morning before school was about this. And after reading the quote from Elisabeth Elliot, I felt equipped to begin the first day of school, and all the days that will come. But I sure do miss summer. My favorite season!


Vivian said...

folks need to remember you have great kids too. i am sure everyone pitches in to help you around the house...and you have Chris...that amazing husband.
all has been provided to you thru our might King Jesus!

Unknown said...

Praying you have a peacful blessed year! May it be filled with learning laughter and joy!!!